since a while I have encountered a problem with a particular Mail provider when sending emails with attachments from an OpenAcs application. Attachments are not opened, and the recipient's mail clients complains about some safety reason for this.
I had no issues when sending directly from PC, so I have confronted the source of a sending from ACS Mail Lite and one from my client. I will skip to the relevant part:
- ACS Mail Lite
Content-Type: application/pdf;
- Thunderbird
Content-Type: application/pdf;
So there was no "name" assigned to the attachment. I have gone into packages/acs-mail-lite/tcl/acs-mail-lite-procs.tcl and, from line 426, I have tried to replace this part
db_foreach get_file_info {} {
lappend tokens [mime::initialize \
-param [list name "[ad_quotehtml $title]"] \
-header [list "Content-Disposition" "attachment; filename=\"$name\""] \
-header [list Content-Description $title] \
-canonical $mime_type \
-file "[cr_fs_path]$filename"]
with this
db_foreach get_file_info {} {
lappend tokens [mime::initialize \
-param [list name "[ad_quotehtml $title]"] \
-header [list "Content-Disposition" "attachment; filename=\"$name\""] \
-header [list Content-Description $title] \
-canonical "$mime_type; name=\"$name\"" \
-file "[cr_fs_path]$filename"]
Then I have sent again the email to my choosy provider. He was happy this time.
I have experienced this bug with every customer (around a dozen) using this particular provider (http://posta.libero.it). If it is ok I can commit the fix to the cvs.
Best regards.