Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: IP address based connection filtering

Posted by Benjamin Brink on
Jamshed Qureshi,

ip address and user_agent filtering are available, but I don't think it has been automated, partly due to multitude of ways that aolserver/naviserver is deployed.

For simplicity, ip_address filtering can be manually added in a master template. Get the ip address like this:

set ip_address [ad_conn peeraddr]

It would probably be simplest to add a custom procedure that is called separately and updated using acs-admin/apm or via caching the db.

For user_agent filtering, grep user_agent acs-tcl/tcl/request-processor-procs.tcl for a manual, built-in example.

Filters could easily be implemented; I'm just not aware of one for aolserver that automatically collects info from a separate pool etc.

