Hi Klaus,
i am not sure, where and when the feature was lost, but altogether, allowing arbitrary commands in strings that could be supplied by users opens potentially a wide set of attack vectors (one could e.g. shut the server down via entries in the message catalog).
The better approach is to use named bind variables, such as:
ad_page_contract_filter string_length { name value length } {
Checks whether the string is less or greater than the minimum or
maximum length specified, inclusive
e.g.address_1:notnull,string_length(max|100) will test address_1 for
maximum length of 100.
@author Randy Beggs (randyb@arsdigita.com)
@creation-date August 2000
} {
set actual_length [string length $value]
if { [lindex $length 0] eq "min" } {
if { $actual_length < [lindex $length 1] } {
set binding [list name $name actual_length $actual_length min_length [lindex $length 1]]
ad_complain "[_ acs-tcl.lt_name_is_too_short__Pl_1]"
return 0
} else {
if { $actual_length > [lindex $length 1] } {
set binding [list name $name actual_length $actual_length max_length [lindex $length 1]]
ad_complain "[_ acs-tcl.lt_name_is_too_long__Ple_1 $binding]"
return 0
return 1
Are you aware of situations, where this approach might be a problem?