Let me explain what I think I have understood:
- One creates a ::xowiki::Form, which should be the 'specification' of our object. In plain xotcl, this was done in the data model + ::Generic::Form definition.
- Once defined the ::xowiki::Form, one calls http://myserver/xowiki/<<FORM-INSTANCE-NAME-HERE>>?m=create-new to create the object, and ...?m=edit to edit. The instances we are creating are of class ::xowiki::FormPage
This instead is what I still can't grasp:
how do I define a form suitable for an object like the one in xotcl demo? It's the bare sintax that I am missing...
...Xotcl demo snippets
...xotcl data model
::xo::db::CrClass create Note -superclass ::xo::db::CrItem \
-pretty_name "Demo Note" -pretty_plural "Demo Notes" \
-slots {
::xo::db::CrAttribute create number -datatype integer -default 0
...xotcl form
::Generic::Form create form1 -volatile \
-data $item \
-with_categories true \
-fields {
{name:text {label Name}}
{number:text {label Number}}
{text:richtext(richtext),nospell,optional {label Content} {options {editor xinha}}}
{description:text(textarea),nospell,optional {label Description} {html {cols 60 rows 2}}}