I am nicely developing using Xotcl. Today, I've found that when one subclasses ::xo::db::Object, its 'save_new' method ends up calling a method called 'insert'.
This method builds dinamically the proper insert query for a new entry in the database, very nice for new objects. I can redefine my subclass's 'save_new' method adding some specific logic, then just use the 'next' idiom to proceed to the standard logic.
When one is updating an existing object though, this doesn't stand anymore: the save method in ::xo::db::Object doesn't call an analogous 'update' method. The update query is generated instead at startup as a method of my subclass. If I redefine it, then call 'next', my object's table ends up untouched, except for my specific logic that overwrote the original 'save' method.
Is there a particular reason for this different behavior between inserting and updating?