I just installed 5.8.1 on a fresh Debian Wheezy using the install-ns.sh and install-oacs.sh, both of which worked beautifully. Installing xowiki from the OpenACS repository gives xowiki-0.156.
However, going to the instance gives this error:
invalid command name "::xowiki::Form"
invoked from within
"ns_cache eval xotcl_object_type_cache root_folder-$id {
set folder_id [::xo::db::CrClass lookup -name $name -parent_id $parent_id]
(procedure "require_root_folder" line 4)
::1033 ::xowiki::Package->require_root_folder
invoked from within
"my require_root_folder -name "xowiki: [my id]" -content_types ::xowiki::Page* "
(procedure "require_folder_object" line 2)
::1033 ::xowiki::Package->require_folder_object
invoked from within
"my require_folder_object"
(procedure "init" line 4)
::1033 ::xowiki::Package->init
::1033 ::xotcl::Object->residualargs
::xowiki::Package ::xotcl::Class->create
invoked from within
"$package_class create ::$package_id -destroy_on_cleanup -id $package_id -url $url"
(procedure "require" line 31)
::xowiki::Package ::xo::PackageMgr->require
invoked from within
"my require -url $url $package_id"
(procedure "initialize" line 34)
::xowiki::Package ::xo::PackageMgr->initialize
invoked from within
"::xowiki::Package initialize -ad_doc {