I have a list of checkboxes in a formgroup.
In the .tcl file I have:
{ forumchecks:integer(checkbox),multiple
{label "Forums List"}
{options $forumoptions } }
(lurkers note: multiple is required here
so you can get multiple checkbox values)
I have a select inside the on_submit
of an ad_form that looks like this:
select name ...
and forum_id in (:forumcheck)
Which looks like this on the error page:
select name ...
and forum_id in ('1241053,1240526,1242123,1241683')
The above does NOT work because the single quote
is added by the use of the "Colon designated variable"
AND I tried to instead use the dollarsign variable
$forumcheck but this fails with:
ERROR: syntax error at or near "$"
QUESTION: How do I remove the single quotes so
that this query will work.