Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Towards OpenACS 5.9

13: Re: Towards OpenACS 5.9 (response to 5)
Posted by Andrew Piskorski on
Concerning Oracle: we for our part have no intention to drop Oracle in total. We would rather try not to damage it, but we do not have the resources for actively testing it.
That sounds like the right approach to me.
15: Re: Towards OpenACS 5.9 (response to 13)
Posted by Antonio Pisano on
Best effort Oracle maintenance is what has and will be done FOR NOW, but I am almost sure people trying to upgrade now their Oracle installation will face issues.

Dear Andrew, we of course understand the reasons you raised for using Oracle, but be aware that this kind of support community has provided is fragile and has had almost no testing whatsoever, so if your company plans to enjoy new development on OpenACS you should seriously consider coding or other forms of contributions.

Something I think I can suggest to people using Oracle around is trying a fresh install of current OpenACS and give feedbacks, or even better go for an upgrade in a safe environment and report issues. Somebody could offer him/herself to address them.

Anyway, at risk of repeating myself, without concrete contribution from Oracle userbase all of you will eventually be left alone.

23: Re: Towards OpenACS 5.9 (response to 15)
Posted by Dave Bauer on
What level of testing is being done on Oracle now? Are new installs for each new version tested before release?
24: Re: Towards OpenACS 5.9 (response to 23)
Posted by Maurizio Martignano on
Dear Dave,
I cannot talk for the distribution in general.
When the standard distribution (from the repositories) is compiled for Windows using MS tool chain, nsoracle does not even compile.
I am continously checking naviserver code
( as support to Gustaf in his development/maintainace activities
and, as far as I can see, new versions are only compiled (and tested?) only on specific platforms (e.g. Linux and not Windows).

Hope it helps,