Forum OpenACS Development: oacs-dav's preauth filter is too broad

I host a blog for a friend whose name happens to be Dave (Not our famous Dave), so I host it at

I installed Forums recently, which installs oacs-dav.

oacs-dav registers preauth filters like so:

set prefix [parameter::get \
        -package_id [apm_package_id_from_key "oacs-dav"] \
        -parameter "WebDAVURLPrefix" \
        -default "/dav"]

set url "${prefix}/*"
set filter_url "${prefix}*"
ns_register_filter preauth GET ${filter_url} oacs_dav::authorize
Unfortunately, this inadvertently catches Is there a reason why filter_url can't be "${prefix}/*"?

Also, if someone has the time, I'm curious how I'd write an automated test to expose this bug (just for education's sake)?

Posted by Dave Bauer on
Vinod, does it work with filter_url set to ${prefix}/* ?

I can't recall why I set it up that way, but there seems to have been some reason.

Posted by Vinod Kurup on
That fixes my site, but I haven't tested webdav functionality since I didn't need it.

I also figured that it must have been set that way for a reason, but I'll try it like this and get back to you if I test out the webdav stuff. Thanks.

Posted by Dave Bauer on
It appears to possibly be a misundertsanding of the documentation. It would be interesting to change the filter and then test it.