XoWiki version 0.25 is available and updated in CVS head. The biggest change to earlier verisons is a significantly improved RSS support (based of the syndication table and service contract of search). The channel name and channel description are taken from the directory object (page_title and description). The item descriptions ae taken from the desciption entry of the individual pages. If this is empty, a plain text representation of the page is used instead. For this purpose the description field of the edit form was made larger. Per default, ::xowiki::Page, ::xowiki::PlainPage and ::xowiki::PageInstances are indexed and published via RSS.
The RSS-content of an XoWiki instance is obtained via http://..../xowiki/?rss=10d, which will return the pages modified during the last 10 days. In order to include the rss link in an xowiki page, one can use {{adp portlets/rss-button}}.
After upgrading to 0.25, reboot oacs and run http://..../xowiki/?reindex to freshen the entries in the syndication tables.