You have to rebuild the search_observer_queue table with pointers to your contents. I once used the following queries (I don't remember who posted them on the forum).
To reindex edit-this-page contents:
insert into search_observer_queue (
select revision_id, current_timestamp, 'INSERT'
from cr_revisions r, cr_items i
where r.item_id = i.item_id and
i.content_type = 'etp_page_revision' and
r.revision_id = i.live_revision);
To reindex file-storage contents:
insert into search_observer_queue (
select revision_id, current_timestamp, 'INSERT'
from cr_revisions r, cr_items i
where r.item_id = i.item_id and
i.content_type = 'file_storage_object' and
r.revision_id = i.live_revision and
(mime_type = 'application/pdf' or
mime_type = 'application/msword' or
mime_type = 'application/' or
mime_type = 'application/excel' or
mime_type = 'application/' or
mime_type like 'text/%'));
To reindex news contents:
insert into search_observer_queue (
select revision_id, current_timestamp, 'INSERT'
from cr_revisions r, cr_items i
where r.item_id = i.item_id and
i.content_type = 'news' and
r.revision_id = i.live_revision);
Hope this helps.