Forum OpenACS Development: Response to Merging of /admin and /acs-admin

Posted by Dan Chak on
I agree that there is a philisophical difference between the two admin areas, but in practice, the divide doesn't seem to exist.  subsite depends on the core, so is it actually that bad for subsite's admin pages to reference the core's admin page?

I am also fully aware that I might be missing something here.  Can someone describe a scenario where having links to the package manager and user admin on subsite's admin page would be _more_ confusing than not having it?

I am also in agreement that the admin interface needs a large-scale overhaul.  I am also in agreement that baby steps along the way are useful.  Is this a baby step that will make things easier for people (especially new users of OACS), or is it just not useful?

My personal opinion is that if you ever have to type URLs into your web browser to access part of your site, then your site is broken.