Forum OpenACS Development: Obscure but nasty bug in apm-procs.tcl

If you have a minute, and have a TEST SERVER available, try the following:
  1. Run
    ad_parameter -package_id [ad_acs_kernel_id] 
    in a tcl page or nscp. It should return your site URL.
  2. Navigate to /acs-admin/apm.
  3. Navigate to Services -> acs-kernel.
  4. Click "Manage parameter information".
  5. Add a parameter. DO NOT RESTART YOUR SERVER.
  6. Run ad_parameter again.
  7. (ACS Classic; and probably OpenACS) Watch in horror as it returns "".
This just bit us hard on a production site.

The problem is an incorrect query apm_parameter_cache_update in apm_parameter_register. The query looks like this in ACS Classic:

select v.package_id, p.parameter_name,
       nvl(p.default_value, v.attr_value) as attr_value
from apm_parameters p, apm_parameter_values v
where p.package_key = :package_key
  and p.parameter_id = v.parameter_id (+)
when it should really look like this (Oracle):
select v.package_id, p.parameter_name,
from apm_parameters p, apm_parameter_values v
where p.package_key = :package_key
  and p.parameter_id = v.parameter_id (+)
Looking at apm-procs.xql (latest CVS, v1.4), I'm pretty sure OpenACS has the same problem.
Posted by Don Baccus on
Fixed for both Oracle and Postgres in the CVS tip, thanks Andrew!
Posted by Marc Spitzer on
I just tried to run cvs diff and did not see any deltas against my local copy.  If this was put in the 4.5 branch what tag should I update to to get all the current commited patches?  My current branch tag is oacs-4-5.
