I think the processes (threads?) p1 and p2 are interleaving like this ...
p1:step1 -> read 0 rows
p2:step1 -> read 0 rows
p1:step3 -> insert a row because 0 rows were read
p2:step3 -> insert a row because 0 rows were read
I want p2:step1 to be blocked until the end of p1:step3 and so it would look like this ...
p1:step1 -> read 0 rows
p2:step1 -> blocked
p1:step3 -> insert a row because 0 rows were read
p2:step1 -> resumes, reads 1 row
p2:step3 -> dont insert a row because 1 row was read
I thought if I use the postgres "select for update" in step1 and surrounded all three steps with a db_transaction then this would block p2 until p1 completes. But this doesnt seem to work (I'm not using any db_foreach).
I will check on the use of the db handles as suggested in earlier replies.