Forum OpenACS Development: Outbound email control

Posted by Andrew Grumet on
I've written some procs to help us control outbound email behavior on dev vs. staging vs. production. The file is here: file_id=411. You can put it in any tcl directory. Then you should add the parameters to your config file.

Here are the modes that the code supports:

#EmailDeliveryMode can be:
#  default:  Email messages are sent in the usual manner.
#  log:      Email messages are written to the server's error log.
#  redirect: Email messages are redirected to the addresses specified
#      by the EmailRedirectTo parameter.  If this list is absent or
#      empty, email messages are written to the server's error log.
#  filter:   Email messages are sent to in the usual manner if the
#      recipient appears in the EmailAllow parameter, otherwise they
#      are logged.
These procs take the pretty heavy-handed approach of renaming ns_sendmail. In a perfect world, everyone would use a single API for sending mail and we would enhance that API to exhibit these behaviors. I think that goal is within reach (though not by me in the next week!) if people agree that it is a good idea. For reference here is a grep on the HEAD of OpenACS and dotLRN from July 23.
bash-2.05$ find . -name "*.tcl" |xargs grep -l ns_sendmail