. The file storage folder (which for some reason doesn't show up under the root shared tree is this: https://openacs.org/new-file-storage/one-folder.tcl?file_id=418.
It works pretty good. I load it with the Tcl "load" command because I can never figure out how to get 'package require' working in AOLserver (ugh).
Here's a graph I created with it and the code I used to do it (BTW, this is a real application, but the data used to generate this graph is completely ficticious):
# A db_multirow was omitted for brevity's sake
# Put totals and labels into list to generate graph, if requested
set labels [list "Grade
School" "Elementary
School" "Junior
High" "Senior
set totals [list $grade_total $elementary_total $junior_total $senior_total]
# If the user requested graphs, generate them
if { [info exists graph] && $graph == "on" } {
load [ad_parameter PathToTgdchart]
# Set file names
set date [ns_fmttime [ns_time] "%Y-%m-%d-%T"]
set path [string range [ad_conn file] 0 [string last / [ad_conn file]]]
set gr [gdchart create 400 300]
set graph_data [list]
# Set Title and other details
gdchart title $gr "$page_title
" 0x000000 giant
gdchart bgcolor $gr 0xFFFFFF
gdchart type $gr 3dpie
set colors [sds_color_list [llength $labels]]
gdchart datacolor $gr $colors
gdchart edgecolor $gr "0x000000"
gdchart labeldist $gr 20
gdchart labelline $gr TRUE
gdchart border $gr all
# Output this image to a file
regsub -all -- " " $page_title "_" page_title_no_spaces
set fname "${path}png/${page_title_no_spaces}-${date}-${login_user_id}.png"
set fname_nopath "${page_title_no_spaces}-${date}-${login_user_id}.png"
gdchart file $gr $fname
gdchart hold $gr destroy
gdchart generate $gr true
lappend graph_data $labels
lappend graph_data $totals
gdchart getchart $gr $graph_data
# Blow away our chart handle and the image as well.
gdchart delete $gr