Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: News Agregator installation error

Posted by Michael Steigman on

After looking at the sql and considering that others have installed this recently, it seems likely that the problem is an incompatibility with PG 8.1. I do not have a PG 8.1 install to test on so maybe you can help me (and others) work through the problem. The main issue appears to be that PG is barfing when trying to create na_items. Do you know how to use psql or the sql mode in emacs? If you could use either method and feed PG the 'create table na_items' statement and let me know what the result is, maybe we'll have an idea what's going. Else, maybe someone familiar with 8.1 can spot the problem area. Here's the statement:

create table na_items (
       item_id                      integer
                                    default nextval('na_items_item_id_seq')
                                    constraint na_items_pk
                                    primary key,
       source_id                    integer
                                    constraint na_items_sid_fk
                                    references na_sources(source_id)
                                    constraint na_items_sid_nn
                                    not null,
       link                         varchar(500),
       guid                         varchar(500),
       original_guid    varchar(500),
       permalink_p                  boolean
                                    default true,
       title                        varchar(500),
       author                       varchar(100),
       comment_page                 varchar(200),
       description                  text,
       content_encoded              text,
       creation_date                timestamptz
                                    default current_timestamp,
    pub_date                        timestamptz