1. Could not create a subgroup of a class.
Change dotlrn_community__new, in
dotlrn/sql/postgresql/communities-package-create.sql, from
c_id integer;
c_id := acs_group__new (
c_id integer;
real_archived_p char(1);
if p_archived_p is null then
real_archived_p := ''f'';
real_archived_p := p_archived_p;
end if;
c_id := acs_group__new (
And then use real_archived_p in the insert into dotlrn_communities_all.
The problem here is that in Oracle you can put a default value on a
function parameter, so it set p_archived_p to 'f' automagically. PG
doesn't have that feature so we have to do it ourselves.
2. Could not move portlets around on customize page.
Move portal::swap_element.get_prev_sort_key and
portal::swap_element.get_next_sort_key from
new-portal/tcl/portal-procs.xql to
new-portal/tcl/portal-procs-oracle.xql and
new-portal/tcl/portal-procs-postgresql.xql. Modify the Postgres
version from
select sort_key as other_sort_key,
element_id as other_element_id
from (select pem.sort_key,
from portal_element_map pem,
portal_pages pp
where pp.portal_id = :portal_id
and pem.page_id = :my_page_id
and pp.page_id = pem.page_id
and region = :region
and pem.sort_key < :my_sort_key
and state != 'pinned'
order by pem.sort_key desc)
where rownum = 1
select sort_key as other_sort_key,
element_id as other_element_id
from (select pem.sort_key,
from portal_element_map pem,
portal_pages pp
where pp.portal_id = :portal_id
and pem.page_id = :my_page_id
and pp.page_id = pem.page_id
and region = :region
and pem.sort_key < :my_sort_key
and state != 'pinned'
order by pem.sort_key desc) this
limit 1
(this is get_prev_sort_key; get_next_sort_key is similar)
Also create portal::swap_element.get_portal_element_map_nextval for
both databases:
Oracle: select portal_element_map_sk_seq.nextval from dual
Postgres: select nextval('portal_element_map_sk_seq')
And use this query in portal-procs.tcl, function swap_element, instead
of db_nextval.
The first changes are due to Postgres syntax differences. The second
is because the way nextval has been simulated isn't reliable in PG
7.2, so it is not being used consistently anymore and this is one
place where the old way wasn't working.
3. Could not delete pages from customized portal.
In new-portal/sql/postgresql/api-create.sql, change
create function portal_page__delete(integer)
returns integer as '
p_page_id integer;
create function portal_page__delete(integer)
returns integer as '
p_page_id alias for $1;
The function doesn't do much without the passed-in page_id! :)
That's all for tonight...