Forum OpenACS Development: (cryptic test procedure for) active subsites with different membership groups

Hey Aldert:

I am working on some fixes and a document that explains this in detail so someone could do it without knowing the internal stuff (i.e. just from screens that have labels and values that make sense..hey there's an idea!).

The screens are completely messed up, but the underlying stuff mostly works. You can find out more about the ArsDigita coder's original intent by running something called Group Admin Pages - Acceptance test which can be found at this location on my server: http://<replace-this-with-your-server>/doc/acs-subsite/group-admin-pages-acceptance-test.html

But from reading your posts, I can see that you have been swimming in the back-end, so here are the raw steps that I performed on an unmolested ACS 4.2b system (not OACS!). I am interested to know if these steps work/look the same on OACS.

  • create 7 test users
  • create 2 subsites
  • create 1 application (e.g. bboard) under each subsite
  • check and repair the context_id on each application instance to point to the subsites (I did this in sqlplus)


  • go to Admin (for Main Site)
  • group types
  • select group
  • add 2 groups of type group
  • back to Admin
  • relational segments
  • select MainSiteParties (in MS mem (MR to MSP)
  • (your 2 groups should be components)
  • add each user as a member of MSP
  • back to Admin
  • groups
  • put 3 in one group and 3 in the other


  • Site map
  • select Don't Inherit from .. on both subsite permissions
  • give the first group permissions to the first subsite
  • give the second group permissions to the second subsite

At this point you will find that group members can access their respective subsite and that the seventh user you created cannot access either subsite. I will document this later in a more understandable way.
