Facilitating installation is something that I'm trying to figure out working with Carl Blesius.
The amount of required backend software will not make it easier to install the software by traditional methods. An interesting outcome of the work on the e-lane project (http://www.e-lane.org/) was a Live CD that already included all the software.
A different approach was followed by John Sequeira with the creation of an openACS virtual machine (http://www.jsequeira.com/projects/oasisvm/) that would launch an OS with all the system tools.
We are trying to build on top of what John created a series of user-oriented virtual installations of openACS/.LRN, that should facilitate the installation part. We already have a virtual image that we are using internally, focused on learning how to use the platform. We are planning on improving that and in developing production-oriented images.
We'll keep you posted on this...