Forum OpenACS Development: current best approach to placing images in pages?

There have been a number of threads over the years about how to put images into web pages. Most have focused on using edit-this-page and photo-album, but this approach still runs into the security problem invoked by allowing <img src > tags in user input (by default prohibited) -- discussed here.

Also, I see that Caroline is recommending xowiki over etp now, which introduces another interesting angle on this.

Given the fact that many people appear to have achieved solutions to things that haven't made it back to the toolkit code base, what kinds of solutions are out there for embedding images into pages? Has anyone built an etp application that allows users to upload images and then edit them into pages without the use of <img src > tags? Has anyone built a UI that integrates etp and photo-album so that marginally competent users can edit pages-with-images without jumping between the two applications? Has anyone used xowiki in the same fashion?

I built a 3.2.5 package that accomplishes this, and I want to migrate these sites to whatever is the best 5.x approach -- or to collaborate with folks in working something up. So where is the most appropriate place to start?

Posted by Stan Kaufman on
Found this additional info from Caroline. Looks like xowiki is the way to go...