This is not about stuffing developers email boxes with every last detail captured by cvs, in case you hadn't noticed Lars (and who could blame you?) we've now set out along the path of renaming every one of the more than TWO THOUSAND names in our Tcl api, FOR NO GOOD REASON -- and I'm pretty fucking pissed about it!
In what universe is it acceptable to rename an api AND NOT TELL ANYBODY? Tough shit to fellow developers who collaborate on the toolkit, earning a living -- they'll just have to spend time scanning every source file and re-learn an api they've been using for the past 3 years.
Perhaps we should alert Jim Davidson who looks after AOLserver to the error of his ways. His procs have been prefixed with ns_ for over 10 years now! I mean, it's not even called Navi Server anymore, people will think it stands for Netscape or perhaps has something to do with Apple's Next Step api (another one!). It's not even a functionaly descriptive prefix, it's pure vanity! Just who do these people think they are, professionals?
I can't even believe I have to take the time to swear and shout to draw attention to that which is so plainly obvious if given just a moments thought, and why Roberto should have to grovel through the code, which is the only possible way he could @see the unsupported Java style doc note.
What exactly are we going to do about this?