Forum .LRN Q&A: Response to An educational blog app

Posted by Stephen . on
Some blogs have comment facilities, but the usual way for commenting to occur is with the blog entries themselves.  If I read an interesting blog entry of yours, I will ommment on it in my own blog and link.  People have begun to mine there referrer logs for incoming links, and then redisplay them on the linked-to page.  Most blog entires are in fact just comments on other stuff.

So a blog-with-comments sounds more like a bboard to me, which is probably why Jerry chose to just modify the existing software.  To recreate this you don't have to import old code, just take the same approach with v4 bboard software.

Do you remember how the old bboard software worked?  It had 3 modes of presentation: flat Q&A format, what we use here; threaded, clunky framed layout; and editorial, where follow-up repsonses are displayed on a seperate page.

The editorial format seems pretty blog-like.  The reverse chronological listing of threads within a forum also fits the mould, with the listing of forums representing the listing of blogs.  The only missing element is that recent forum postings have only their title displayed rather than bubbling the content directly to the top.  That would be trivial to add to any of the various bboard packages, as I guess Jerry's already shown.