Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Error page message

6: Re: Error page message (response to 1)
Posted by Iuri Sampaio on
ok i'm on the page that owns the script error:


The strange thing is the adp file has only these lines:

property name="title" /property
property name="header_stuff"@headerstuff;noquote@/property>
property name="context"@context;noquote@/property


so it seems all the code in the tcl file is unecessary but the code related to @headerstyff@ and context. is that it?

by the way, i checked the new version of edit-this-page pkg. and it's not the same direcotry tree anymore.

7: Re: Re: Error page message (response to 6)
Posted by Iuri Sampaio on
ok fixed.

the easiest way. =)
I drop the db and import an earlier week-backup.

now i will diagnose what hapen using the dev server and the db backup with the bug.

Posted by Iuri Sampaio on
so far, i got a few answers.

the weird thing that was happening, if i browsed back and foward through the pages...
the error disapear and i had the page loaded and fine,
somehow it's the cookies storaged in my computer.
by the way...
why do we use cookies instead of just sessions like it's in asp? security stuff?

i debuged the error and make it happens again.
So i'm sure the error is because
i created an aplication type: "webbloger" bellow a new subsite. and got the error, then i tryed to delete the aplication, even the subsite but the error's still there. SO even "deleting does not" erase the relations created.

Then somehow, it crashes.
I believe there's trash code running the query twice.

how do i fix then without resetting the db?
finding the duplicated trash code and erase it. is that it?

Posted by Iuri Sampaio on
Ok done.
Error diagnosed and so far eliminated

It was an application I created at webcasts subsite.

I created an instance of lars-bloger bellow webcast’s subsite and it crashed with another instance on every page that has this instance referred. So when he clicked on flush it refreshed the buffer and the bug showed up.

there was some chunk of code related with lars-bloger pkg, precisesly a call to an instance of the pkg. and because of it it crashed triyng to call it twice.
Some trash code in the pages of the source that I already cleaned up on the page packages/edit-this-page/index.tcl

Then i replaced edit-this-page pkg to i guess the most updated head's version.
cvs -d co openacs-4

see it:

and it's working fine! thanks.