Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Re: Revitalizing our testing efforts

Posted by Ryan Gallimore on
Are you using tclwebtest? If so, how did you get past this error:
----- START: tcl-api-test.test at [15/Jun/2006:23:20:12] -----

# tcl-api-test.test: Login the site wide admin

--- do_request for
tcl-api-test.test: Failed to connect to server with error "can't read "http_status": no such variable" - giving up
tcl-api-test.test: can't read "http_status": no such variable
tcl-api-test.test: *** Tcl TRACE ***
tcl-api-test.test: can't read "http_status": no such variable
    while executing
"log "http status: >>$http_status<<""
    (procedure "::tclwebtest::do_request" line 82)
    invoked from within
"::tclwebtest::do_request $page_url"
    (procedure "::twt::do_request" line 1)
    invoked from within
"::twt::do_request "[::twt::config::server_url]/register/logout""
    (procedure "::twt::user::logout" line 2)
    invoked from within
    (procedure "::twt::user::login" line 3)
    invoked from within
"::twt::user::login [::twt::config::admin_email]"
    (procedure "::twt::user::login_site_wide_admin" line 3)
    invoked from within
tcl-api-test.test: The response body is:

Test failed: can't read "http_status": no such variable
    while executing
"error "Test failed: $result""
    invoked from within
"if { [catch {
    # Source procedures
    source tcl/test-procs.tcl

    # Test Execution START

    ::twt::log_section "Login the site wide admin"
    (file "tcl-api-test.test" line 1)
    invoked from within
"source tcl-api-test.test"
    ("uplevel" body line 3)
    invoked from within
"uplevel $uplevel $to_eval "
in "tcl-api-test.test" line 1:
if { [catch {

-----  FAILED: tcl-api-test.test (took 0s)               -----

1 of 1 tests FAILED:

I am not running daemontools, and testing oacs-5-2. Thanks.
Posted by Ryan Gallimore on
The above error was resolved when the server was run from port 80.
Posted by Ryan Gallimore on
The server comes up and an xml report file is generated, but it does not include the output from the tests on the packages. I think the script is not importing the acs-automated-testing parameters. I have output but am unable to paste in the xml output here. How do I do this? And why isn't the install script picking up the parameters? Cheers.