Forum .LRN Q&A: Response to Request for Comment: dotLRN Technology Governance

* the initial proposal of the TAB that I made to Al included me as gatekeeper, plus one OpenForce engineer (Yon) and one Furfly engineer (you, in fact)
I must've seen an earlier draft, then ... unless Al argued that I not be on the TAB, and got you to remove my name, which doesn't sound quite right to me.

Regardless ... even if you were to suggest I have dictatorial control over a structure based on your proposal, I'd far prefer the model Al presents. And if it took giving you dictatorial control over the technical process in order to get Al's proposal adopted, I'd at least consider it.

I'm in agreement with something Michael has said to me in private. We've got one shot to make a presence in this vertical app space. This means chasing it aggressively if we want it. Is marketing an open source vertical app some sort of unknown? I don't know for sure but I don't see it as differing all that much from marketing a proprietary vertical app. The beauty of vertical markets like this is that you can identify a large piece of the potential adoptees with a great deal of precision. Just look under "University of ..." in every phone book in the country (or world, actually).

It's simple. There's no reason to wait.