I have just recently downloaded a copy of dotlrn and installed it on
Postgres and it looks excelent, great work!
While playing around with dotlrn I came across the function
dotlrn_admin_rel__delete()in community-memberships-packages-create.sql
which looks like this:
create function dotlrn_admin_rel__delete(integer)
returns integer as '
p_rel_id alias for $1;
delete from dotlrn_admin_rels where rel_id= p_rel_id;
PERFORM dotlrn_admin_rel__delete(p_rel_id);
return 0;
' language 'plpgsql';
When I looked at the Oracle file I saw that the PERFOM above should be
selecting dotlrn_members_rel__delete() function and not
dotlrn_admin_rel__delete which causes the function to loop and send
the db server into a state.