Hi David,
As far as I seen there are 2 things:
1. CMS = site builder. This is very much how my modetp works now. It builds a site. But since there are still layout on the page its not really a CMS.
2. CMS = stuffing content and presenting content. This what we should aim for. And also OACS has already this capability in its CMS.
I am already investigating item #2. As for UI openCMS has pretty nice UI for a OSS CMS. Cofax has the right concept. But just like what I said no super UI will solve our problem. So the best way to approach this is to make OACS CMS into pieces so it can be assembled to a client need or vertical need.
On the side note while doing #2:
For some weird reason PG gets confused with content_item__new. So I had to explicitly type cast the parameter....
select content_item__new (
:item_name, -- name
integer :parent_id, -- parent_id for some reason PG gets confused on this param, explicit typecasting was needed
null, -- item_id
null, -- locale
now(), -- creation_date
:creation_user_id, -- creation_user
:parent_id, -- context_id
:creation_ip, -- creation_ip
'content_item', -- item_subtype
:content_type, -- content_type
:title, -- title
:description, -- description
:mime_type, -- mime_type
null, -- nls_language
:data, -- data
'text') -- storage_type
Weird.... that a good 3 hours of jumbling the params, recompile pg driver, etc.