i have not looked how hamiltons beautiful mashup works. but anyhow, there is quite a simple way to include xowiki pages in other applications.
The xowiki portlets/includelets works only for nesting xowiki pages, since they reuses the context of the including object, which you don't have in the general case. however, someone has commited a version of view.tcl/adp into xowiki/lib, which mostly works (see below).
Include in your own page the following code
array set node_info [site_node::get -url /xowiki]
set folder_id [::xowiki::Page require_folder \
-name xowiki -package_id $node_info(package_id)]
set item_id [::Generic::CrItem lookup -name "en:index" -parent_id $folder_id]
set page_title "Page including a wiki page"
set context ""
where "en:index" is the name of the page to lookup.
Add to your own adp file something like
<property name="title">@page_title;noquote@</property>
<property name="context">@context;noquote@</property><include src="/packages/xowiki/lib/view"
and change finally the the query parameter
in xowiki/lib/view.tcl to
otherwise it will set always the specified item_id.
This is just a first shot. In the mid-term range,
the preferred interface would look most likely more like:
<include src="/packages/xowiki/lib/view"
where one does not need to know folders etc. However, If you want to have edit links of these pages in your own package, you will however have to know the right item_id etc. and point the link to /xowiki/edit?item_id=$item_id, since edit depends as well on package_ids etc. It would be much nicer to make edit etc. methods in an oo sense of the pages, such that one does not have to deal with item and package ids like now.
This is just to warn you, that the interface with the IDs might change in the future. For now, please use the approach with the IDs like sketched above. I will commit an updated version of xowiki/lib/view.tcl when i have some more time to look more closely to it... i am not too happy about maintaining multiple versions of view.tcl, this should be somewhat refactored.