Forum .LRN Q&A: Error installing dotlrn (oacs-5-2)

There is a strange dependency problem installing oacs-5-2 with dotlrn:

Error: Error sourcing /var/lib/aolserver/claudio/packages/acs-bootstrap-installer/installer/install.tcl:
install: package "dotlrn-news"Requires news-portlet of version >= 2.2.0a1.
install: package "news-portlet"Requires news of version >= 5.2.0d5.
install: package "news"Requires general-comments of version >= 4.6.1.,Requires image-magick of version >= 0.1d1.

Actually the versions of the referenced packages are correct, being greater than those required (i.e. news-portlet has version 2.2.0b2), but not so for the installer. Furthermore I don't understand from where is coming the requirement of image-magick.

This is actually a show stopper for dotlrn.

Posted by Orzenil Silva Junior on

as i could see image-magick dependency requirement for news package (oacs-5-2) was added in recent commit on July 14

unfortunately image-magick package was not tagged yet with oacs-5-2 only remaining in HEAD.

Posted by Claudio Pasolini on
Thank you very much, Orzenil, I didn't notice that the dependency originated by the news package.
Posted by Carl Robert Blesius on
Those changes were just rolled back by Don (they blocked .LRN 2.2 beta3 yesterday/today).

The 5.2 branch is closed and unless someone wants to feel the wrath of Don (and the rest of the .LRN 2.2 release team) I suggest caution when it comes to CVS commits on that branch folks.

Posted by Dario Roig on
Hello! In the university of Valencia we are preparing the installation of
.LRN for course 2006/2007, we initiated in September.

Day 13 we unloaded the branch 5_2 of cvs and are testing it. To that we can
sent the detected errors?

We have tried to solve this reported error, the bug was sent the date
2005-10-25 by Rafael Calvo:

The changes for solve this bug are, in

Add new paramater "ImageUploadTypes"
---original code ---
element create img upload \
-datatype file \
-widget file \
-label {File} \
-html [list accept [parameter::get -parameter ImageUploadTypes]] \
-validate [list img_type \
{test_file_type [ns_queryget upload.tmpfile]} \
"Image must be one of the following types:
[parameter::get -parameter ImageUploadTypes]" \

Add in the packages required, image-magick:
The package news "image-choose.tcl" use the package image-magick

--original code ---
if { [form is_valid img] } {
form get_values img upload
set srcfile [ns_queryget upload.tmpfile]
set imgfile [ImageMagick::tmp_file]
ImageMagick::convert \
-geometry [parameter::get -parameter ImageGeometry] \
-output_format [parameter::get -parameter ImageFormat] \
$srcfile $imgfile
element set_value img upload {}
set imgfile [ImageMagick::shorten_tmp_file $imgfile]
set image_url "image-view-tmpfile/$imgfile"
set form_vars [eval "export_form_vars [join $vars] imgfile"]
set mode preview
} else {
set mode form

The image not shown in the news, the changes for solve are, add the var
publish_image in item.adp and item.tcl.

Can I upload the changes to HEAD, please?.


Posted by Don Baccus on
Yes, please upload the changes to HEAD. We may also incorporate them in the 5.2 branch if we commit to releasing a 2.2.1 later this year.