PowerfulIntentions.com, Inc. requires the off-site
services of a programmer experienced in OpenACS
Community Infrastructure. The applicant will be
assisting and consulting the PowerfulIntentions.com
technical team with bug fixes, customization
knowledge and overall performance optimization of
the Powerful Intentions website.
If the applicant works well with the
Powerful Intentions Technical team, the
possibility of being retained for further
development is a possibility.
The "PI" Technical Team has been collecting
user data, compiling and prioritizing a
project list of affected features and
areas of the site since March of this year.
They have fixed some bugs as their expertise
allows for, and made slight changes to cosmetic
aspects of the site. Most importantly they have
an "Eagles-Eye" view of the issues particularly
pertaining to suspected site-wide afflictions.
For more information and a detailed
"Request for Proposal" document that
ncludes scope of work for this offering,
please contact:
Bob O'Connor -
Skype: BobOConnor
ICQ: 65922834
Yahoo: rocnet2
AIM: rocnet7