Dear Colin,
the postgres version is not the problem. The problem seems to be that in your installation, xowiki adds the column "title" to xowiki_page, leading later to duplicate columns.
[07/Jul/2015:11:55:18][48366.7fc22953f700][-conn:openacs:0-] Notice: xodb: adding column <alter table xowiki_page add column description text >
[07/Jul/2015:11:55:18][48366.7fc22953f700][-conn:openacs:0-] Notice: xodb: adding column <alter table xowiki_page add column publish_date timestamp with time zone >
[07/Jul/2015:11:55:18][48366.7fc22953f700][-conn:openacs:0-] Notice: xodb: adding column <alter table xowiki_page add column title varchar(1000) >
When one adds the following line
--- xotcl-core/tcl/05-db-procs.tcl 30 Jun 2015 09:20:54 -0000 1.102
+++ xotcl-core/tcl/05-db-procs.tcl 9 Jul 2015 15:10:16 -0000
@@ -706,6 +706,7 @@
require proc table {name definition {populate ""}} {
+ my log "==== require table $name exists: [my exists_table $name]\n$definition"
if {![my exists_table $name]} {
set lines {}
foreach col [dict keys $definition] {lappend lines "$col [dict get $definition $col]"}
one should see at startup
[09/Jul/2015:10:12:07][83047.7fff7bd72300][-main-] Notice: ==== require table xowiki_page exists: 1
page_order { ltree DEFAULT '' } creator { text } page_id { integer REFERENCES cr_revisions(revision_id) ON DELETE CASCADE
CONSTRAINT xowiki_page_page_id_pk PRIMARY KEY }, ::xo::db::require ->table (0ms, 11ms)
The values are pairs with attribute_names and definitions. Probably, on your site you get "text", "publish_date" and "title" as well.... but why?
hmm... i found something incorrect: a cached value might lead to incorrect results, returning "title" in the table definition - but that should not happen during installs/loading. Do you have some local modification affecting the loading order?
Please try the change below, it should work with oacs-5-8 and the HEAD version. AFIKT, thus change causes no harm. Currently, i am on the move in Mexico (vacation), but i will commit this when possible.
best regards
--- xotcl-core/tcl/01-debug-procs.tcl 15 Jun 2015 19:28:33 -0000 1.76
+++ xotcl-core/tcl/01-debug-procs.tcl 9 Jul 2015 16:08:54 -0000
@@ -967,7 +967,8 @@
set newSlot [self]::slot::$name
$slot copy $newSlot
- $newSlot configure -domain [self] -manager $newSlot -create_acs_attribute false {*}$config
+ $newSlot configure -domain [self] -manager $newSlot -create_acs_attribute false -create_table_attribute false {*}$config
+ my set db_slot($name) $newSlot