Forum OpenACS Development: Re: new post-it package

5: Re: new post-it package (response to 4)
Posted by Ryan Gallimore on
I like the idea of the following use case:

1. User 1 wants to invite another online user named User 2 to a chat session.
2. User 1 enters a brief message in a text box at the top of the page.
3. User 2 receives the message at the top of the page without issuing another page request (via Ajax).
4. User 2 should be able to block User 1's messages.

Is there already a package that accomplishes this?

Posted by Raúl Morales Hidalgo on
First of all thanks for the replies.

My idea is more an sms substitute than an email one, so I'll look at the existing api and probably start the work from there, My idea is basically what Ryan posted and what dave posted seems also a good Idea. I think multiple messaging is a must, as I said before the idea is something quite like sms.