Forum OpenACS Development: Re: SOA? - Generic XML-RPC Bridge to Database API

Posted by Tom Jackson on
It is more likely to work well with services defined by .NET, as (unbelievably) MS generates very high quality WSDL files. tWSDL will generate a WSDL file to match .NET, but this work is not complete yet. I still need to add the 'types' element. The client will read the WSDL file to generate the API, but it needs to be compliant with what the tWSDL server would generate. At the moment, I'm using an XSL transform on the WSDL file. Someone could also create an XSLT to generate the server side application in Tcl, all that would be left is to write the Tcl procedure, and maybe any special type validators.

I'll try to find a place to put the current documentation on line, and figure out how to get a current snapshot of the code. We are using svn instead of cvs.

Posted by Wolfgang Winkler on
Are there any news concerning tWSDL? Is there a downloadable version somewhere?
Posted by Jade Rubick on
Hi Wolfgang:

The server portion is in a working state, and we're doing work to integrate it into our own implementation of ad_proc (mostly done).

We'd like to do a similar example integration with OpenACS when we release it, so that a lot of the complexity is hidden from the developer. We'd prefer that when people do the first look at it, their experience is "wow, that's easy" rather than seeing too much complexity (which is inherit in WSDL).

But if you're willing to deal with the underlying API, we can release an early, pre-release version.

Otherwise, I expect we'll have something ready within the next few weeks.

Posted by Wolfgang Winkler on
A prerelease version would be very handy. I've no problem with the complexity and maybe could provide some real world testing experiences.
Posted by Wolfgang Winkler on
Either I've no clue how google code works, or there are no files in the repository.
Posted by Tom Jackson on


You can now browse the current code at:

Or do a svn checkout:

svn checkout twsdl