Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Chat logs for Ajax Chat

Posted by Gustaf Neumann on
Hamilton, you are aware, that the chat package supports the ajax chat and has chat logs?

The chat log support needs a few management pages, logs the discussion to the database, etc. It shows as well the currently connected users.

We use currently the chat package (ajax chat) with a modified dotlrn-chat in our production environment

Posted by Hamilton Chua on
Thanks Gustaf,

I wasn't aware until you pointed it out. I was looking for sql create statements in xotcl and xowiki in the sql folders but I did not look closer inside the xotcl chat-procs.

Sure enough, you record the chats in a table chat_msgs.

While in the subject of management pages. What do you envision these management pages should look like.

I was going to create a simple page for admins to view the rooms in a list, clicking on the room id opens up the chat messages for that room.