Forum OpenACS Q&A: OpenACS full day training in Boston on Nov 3rd

There will be a newbie training for OpenACS on Nov 3rd at the Boston Museum of Science. See the agenda.

This is an overview course designed to give you cover just enough of the right topics to lay the foundation for more advanced work. The objective of the day will be to 1) Get hand-on introduction to the very basics 2) Get a high-level introduction to the more advanced topics and know where to go for more.

Feedback on the agenda is very welcome; there is still time to evolve the training a bit. I'll also be doing some webinars in the next few weeks to help prepare.

If you's like to assist with the preparing or hands-on on the 3rd in Boston, please let me know at

Many thank you's to Rob Ross and the Boston Museum of Science for the room!

Posted by Mark Aufflick on
Tracy this is fantastic!

Not that I'm doing too much with oacs these days, but it would be great to see similar days happening elsewhere.