Hmm...looks like Gustaf knows this is broken. From /xowiki/tcl/xowiki-form-procs.tcl:
WikiForm instproc update_references {} {
my instvar data
if {![my istype PageInstanceForm]} {
### danger: update references does an ad_eval, which breaks the [template::adp_level]
### ad_form! don't do it in pageinstanceforms.
$data render_adp false
$data render -update_references
# delete the link cache entries for this item
# could be made more intelligent to delete entries is more rare cases, like
# in case the file was renamed
my instvar folder_id
##### why is ns_cache names xowiki_cache *pattern* not working???
##### upgrade ns_cache from CVS !
foreach entry [ns_cache names xowiki_cache link-*-$folder_id] {
array set tmp [ns_cache get xowiki_cache $entry]
if {$tmp(item_id) == [$data set item_id]} {
ns_cache flush xowiki_cache $entry
if {![$data istype ::xowiki::Object] &&
![$data istype ::xowiki::PageTemplate] } {
::xowiki::notification::do_notifications -page $data
This error occurs with version 1.5 of nscache which is in cvs with aolserver 4.0.10 and thus presumably the most up to date. Gustaf, while ns_cache isn't working when passed a pattern, how should this be fixed so that we don't slam into an error?