Forum .LRN Q&A: Message key missing: ‘new-portal.Hide_main_navigation’

Hi, I'm new to OpenACS and just got dorlrn installed.

I got this messag for myspace, forum, calendar:

Message key missing: ‘new-portal.Hide_main_navigation’

how could I fix the problem?



It's an international key that is missing....

One way to fix it is to go into translation mode and enter it in.

  • Go to the openacs admin - /acs-admin/
  • Click Internationalization/localization
  • Toggle the translator mode on
  • Then go visit the page and you will see a little "o". Click on that and you can enter the word.


If the "o" is missing, you can add the message key via the internationalization/localization pages.

Or... you can add it to the catalog file and import it in.

Thank you so much, Tracy! I'll try it now!
Tracy, this is really nice help! The error message is gone! By the way, when I added "forum", it did go to the tool bar, but when you click the "forum", it's empty...and I have no way to edit it so that I can create a new one....i'm in Dotlrn....any suggestions?...sorry to bother again.