Forum OpenACS CMS: difference between a content repository and a content managemnet system

Hello all,

Please can somebody tell me if i am understanding the above correctly?
A content management system can hold data/ files of almost any type, provide version control amongst many other features that a relational database.

A content repository such as jackrabbit is used to link to the content management system , a bit like Jdbc connection.

I was believing the above till i read some article that made a content repository sound the same as a content management system??

Any help would be appreciated!!

Thanks Neil

In OpenACS there is a set of functionality in a package called the ACS Content Repository which encapsulates a core API for managing content (text, images, whatever) and revisions thereof. Any content-based ACS packages that use the CR (content repositary) have easy access to things like indexing, hierarchical storage management, etc.

The OpenACS CMS package makes heavy use of the CR package, but so do packages like lars-blogger and bug-tracker.

How that relates to what other projects call a "content repository" may or not be interesting.

The content repository itself is intended only as a common substrate for developing content-driven applications. It provides the developer with a core set of content-related services:

Defining arbitrary content types. 
Common storage of content items (each item consists of a text or binary data with additional attributes as specified by the content type). 
Establishing relationships among items of any type. 
Consistent interaction with other services included in the ACS core, including permissions, workflow and object relationships. 

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