Forum OpenACS Q&A: Site Map Organization of New Web Site

Posted by Dave Bauer on
We are having a little trouble organizing the new web site in regard
to the openacs versions.

Right now we have a /projects directory with /openacs underneath it.

I am not sure if we want to have a setup like this:





Another issuse is downloads and organizing the download repositories.

We have started out with one repository for OpenACS all versions at


but this might not make the best sense.

We also offer other non-openacs software for download such as
AOLserver and database drivers.

There is a preliminary site map proposal over at

Please help us out so that the new openacs site is easy to use for
veteran members and new visitors.

Posted by David Geilhufe on
I lean to this structure:

First, I am assuming these are sub-site enabled.

If there are still communities out there that might want to acccess OACS 3.x packages and might even want to develop new packages for 3.x  it makes sense to give them a place. If there are not enough people out there working on 3.x, then that section of the site atrophe's and it becomes a historical record, but at least the packages are accessible.

Non-package development would always happen on openacsdev. Package development would happen on the appropriate version openacs4.

One potential problem is if there are seperate discussion boards or other community functionality. Spliting up core and package development may be very logical from the OACS administrator point of view, but my weaken the community by creating artficial barriers between folks building packages and folks extending the core.

Those are my thoughts from the perspective of administrator that wants to install OACS functionality, but does not have the skills to develop new functionality.

Posted by Don Baccus on
I'm going to try to figure out why subsites broke when Dave tried to make each project its own subsite (they broke logging in, but it doesn't break on my system here).

So the goal is subsite enabled, yes.

As far as splitting up discussion groups etc logically the 4.0 discussion groups would belong to the project but the group didn't do that.  Whether or not they are, certainly they need summarizing on the main page and the forums page just like they're presented now in the new site design!

The thinking is more like each should have its own bugtracker ...

Posted by Ben Koot on
I feel as long as we have no replacement for functionality only available in OACS 3 it makes sense to maintain links to 3. Maybe we need to find out how many OACS projects are actualy OACS 4 based.