Neophytos ... if you want to claim credit for making projects subsites here, that's fine. However they're not actually subsites, they're etp pages. I originally suggested making them subsites many weeks ago and had that in mind when we first talked about moving the site to 4.x many, many months ago.
So maybe we both had this thought independently, which is fine.
It doesn't really matter, what matters are the motivation for doing it, which in my case is a desire to be able to offer hosting to projects that want it, if the community approves. Subsiting means we can let them create their own master template, set up development groups or admin group or whatever their hearts desire all on their own, and can take a domain name like and point it right at their website.
Now ... your comment asking if other projects with a governance organization different than dotLRN would be treated equally, in my mind, sure - they could ask to be hosted here and if the community approved they would be.
That's my thinking and that's fair, I think.
As far as how the TAB's formed, no, I'm not accepting nominations from the floor and no, there won't be a vote. It's not a political office, it's a technical advisory board, and I'm interested in getting the right mix of people on board, not running a popularity contest.
I know you're going to answer me by telling me what you think that I must do, but you know, Neophytos? Your continuous demands that we follow some process formulated by you is undemocratic to the extreme. You're trying to dictate terms, and that's very annoying.