Forum OpenACS Development: Response to Suggested change to the API browser

Posted by Marc Spitzer on
I look at code as written text, so I try to read it and I feel that
color coding gets in the way of that.  Imagine that you are reading a
book and the publisher colored the nouns blue, the verbs, green, the
adjectives yellow and so on for all the other classes of words you can
have in English.  This would be much harder to read then plain black
text on white paper.

Another problem is that the way things are done now, regexps in vim &
emacs, is also a problem.  This is because they are correct 99+% of
the time so you trust them, from personal experience this can lead to
great frustration, pain and suffering(for me any way).

The way to make the coloring more accurate is to write/borrow a parser
for your target language and use that as the basis for coloring your

please one small favor, generate a black and white version of the
pdfs, color is bad enough but shades of grey can be even worse.  I
like having printed docs to read.

I can see where color could be useful to check the structure of a
document, I do not care what it says just how it says it.