Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Contacts package status

Posted by Iuri Sampaio on
do you need help? It sounds weird to ask that. I don't have that experience, but i'll be glad to try.
Posted by Malte Sussdorff on
Iuri, not weired at all. In the latest version of contacts on a fresh in stall it checks if the contacts::populate::crm procedure has been run and if not allows you to run it from the admin interface.

This should get you started with a basic CRM setting. But where you can help is if you take a look at the basic setting for CRM and decide if something is missing, then we could tune that a little bit more.

Posted by Iuri Sampaio on
I did a search about basic setting for CRM

and I found interesting posts about contacts pkg. including me on it!!

Well, I decided the best approach would be learning the procedure.
I verified contacts pkg is not at

So I tried to install contacts pkg.
I did a oacs head “fresh install” 2006-12-05 on my machine but contacts pkg now requires organizations of version >= 0.6d1.

which isn't avaible at cvs yet. the one i;ve got is
version name="0.5d4" url="";

Posted by Malte Sussdorff on
Organizations in HEAD is currently at 0.6d2, so you might want to get this one as well from HEAD. Once you have it installed, try to use the contact::import::csv procedure which I just committed to import some of your existing data. And don't hesitate to ask questions about it, I tried to be fairly thorough in the documentation part, but it still assumes a German HEADER in the import, so this might get you confused. If you have any suggestions on how to generalize the procedure this would be highly appreciated. My first idea was to use I18N to check for the values in the header line of the CSV file (for the mapping).
Posted by Iuri Sampaio on
something is wrong. checking out HEAD from cvs, i;ve got
"organization v. 05.d4"

cvs co openacs-4/packages/organizations

or even full version HEAD
cvs co openacs-4

I didn't see the contact::import::cvs precedure yet, follwing your idea...
can javascript be better in this case??

Posted by Iuri Sampaio on
Somehow I got:

version name="0.6d2" url="";

It's weird. Maybe i used wrong cvs command. But then How did i get the .06d2 version??
I tried once more using cvs and I still got 0.5d4

I installed contacts package. The installation ended up well, with no errors.
I'm reading API docs , I'll keep it posted

Posted by Iuri Sampaio on
I just downloaded oacs from CVS, cvs co openacs-4

AGAIN i have:

organizations pkg is still version 0.5d4. I overwrited and installed the one i had backed up that "somehow appeared on my machine" version 0.6d2

SO contacts installed, but I can't find the proc on APIdocs

we definitely have diferent releases of HEAD.
you said you commited the code...
where did you comminted?

Posted by Malte Sussdorff on
Okay, mea culpa. For whatever the reason the higher organizations version number never got committed.. I had to do a fresh head checkout and copy things over.

As for the CSV thing, the command ist called contacts::import::csv, not contacts::import::cvs

Posted by Iuri Sampaio on
My apologizes for the misspelling distraction.
Although contacts::import::cvs is not found.

I will leave my server up. Take a look at it:
i granted this user
pwd: test

API docs:

take a look at contacts and orgs pkg's version at:

verify that I have contatcs is installed and it's updated.