Actually, just to add to Jon's list of potential targets for OpenACS its also worth remembering the most lucrative/opportune area.
Even aD recognized that the real bucks flow from corporate communities, mainly intanets, but also many other internal business functions, particularly those with a B2B element, such as CRM....
This is a wide open space full of grade one shite products... Remedy, ACT, Lotus Notes..... an so on....
Also (and of course we're living proof of this) the mobile arena (particularly in Europe) is begging to be exploited.
There is a *huge* lack of good server software and content delivery in this area, and given the Telco recession, its a great time if you happen to have an open source, low cost, low risk solution.
In fact, I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion as I think earlier post re-enforce, that OpenACS is *least* suitable for standard web-sites. It may even be worth highlighting this in the new web site.
Perhaps we ought to discourage adoption by people in this latter category. After all they are almost always going to be able to say.. well my LAMP is faster/easier/better blah blah.....
Anyway, not wishing to go off topic, if people want to make a living/cash out of this product, I'd suggest skewing your focus slightly.