Here is what I think I would like to see on the subject:
strip the leading openacs-4/packages, leave out "commit by" and add number of files committed.
Which would make
much easier to parse.
Here is the code for that...
regsub openacs-4/packages/ $modulepath {} subject
append subject "([llength $files] files) $author"
I am inclined to leave off the per file status since I
think it adds a lot of useless verbiage. I don't know what
other people think on this one.
So after highlighting what we want to scan for this page
would look more like:
bug-tracker/www (2 files) lars
OpenACS CVS System
Aug 29 2002 11:15:12
Author: lars
Update of /cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/bug-tracker/www
Modified Files:
bug-add.tcl index.tcl
Log Message:
Added url-name to components, plus a URL shortcut, and email-subject-name to projects
And, yes, it is cool :) I did not mean to nitpick anyone to death.
It's also great to have a good example of nstcl in the code base. Maybe we should put the script in the tree as part of openacs-4 as an
example so people can easily do such things on their own projects.