Forum .LRN Q&A: Response to documentation for dotLRN?

Posted by Deirdre Kane on
It's not only a matter of getting them to ask "where can i find the manual" because many do that from instinct.  It's also a matter of putting the manual where it is easy for them to find it.  With .LRN, this means placing help within a click or two and that means the group Control Panel page.  Sloan has made a few improvements towards this end: a User and Admin FAQ placed on the Control Panel pages, and a better (but not perfect Help page), but the Manual is not yet a direct link from the Control Panel and I think this is something we need to accomplish, along with some other stuff to make it easier for new users to get oriented.  Access to the manual plus clear ontext descriptions of features (naming things well, providing simple onscreen instructions, etc.) is important and there is always room for improvement.  Basically, mygoal as a site wide admin is to get the interface to a point where no one has to call or email me for help (a lofty and selfish, but a goal nonetheless).