I am using the latest webmail-defs.tcl from the CVS which has the following code added
# if ![string length [info commands ns_java]] {
# proc ns_java { args } {
# set i 0
# if [string equal [lindex $args 0] -detach] {
# incr i
# }
# foreach {class method} [split [lindex $args $i] ::] break
# set size [expr [llength $args] - $i - 1]
# set iargs [nsjava::new {String[]} $size]
# for {incr i} {$i < [llength $args]} {incr i} {
# $iargs set $i $arg
# }
# nsjava::call $class [list $method {String[]}] $iargs
# }
In line number 11 i changed $arg to $args and got rid of the prevoius error but now i get
n error occured while we attempted to compose your message:
array index "2" is out of bounds: must be between 0 and 1
thanks in advance