I got this error when trying to add a new community:
Selection did not return a value, and no default was provided
while executing
"db_string select_node_id {}"
(procedure "get_type_node_id" line 2)
invoked from within
"get_type_node_id $community_type"
invoked from within
"if {[empty_string_p $parent_community_id]} {
set parent_node_id [get_type_node_id $community_type]
} else {
("uplevel" body line 33)
invoked from within
"uplevel 1 $transaction_code "
(procedure "db_transaction" line 1)
invoked from within
"db_transaction {
set user_id [ad_conn user_id]
set community_id [package_instantiate_object -extra_vars
$extra_vars $object_ty..."
(procedure "dotlrn_community::new" line 25)
invoked from within
"dotlrn_community::new -community_type [community_type] -
object_type [community_type] -pretty_name $pretty_name -description
$description -parent_..."
(procedure "dotlrn_club::new" line 6)
invoked from within
"dotlrn_club::new -description $description -pretty_name
$pretty_name -join_policy $join_policy"
invoked from within
"if {[form is_valid add_club]} {
form get_values add_club pretty_name description join_policy referer
set key [dotlrn_club::new -description..."
("uplevel" body line 41)
invoked from within
"uplevel {
# Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 MIT
# This file is part of dotLRN.
# dotLRN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modi..."
(procedure "code::tcl::/web/eschool/packages/dotlrn/www/admin/club-
new" line 2)
invoked from within
invoked from within
"if { [file exists $__adp_stub.tcl] } {
# ensure that data source preparation procedure exists and is up-to-
adp_init tcl $__adp_stub
("uplevel" body line 3)
invoked from within
"uplevel {
if { [file exists $__adp_stub.tcl] } {
# ensure that data source preparation procedure exists and is up-to-
adp_init t..."
(procedure "adp_prepare" line 2)
invoked from within
"adp_prepare "
(procedure "template::adp_parse" line 30)
invoked from within
"template::adp_parse [file root [ad_conn file]] {}"
(procedure "adp_parse_ad_conn_file" line 7)
invoked from within
("uplevel" body line 2)
invoked from within
"uplevel $code"
invoked from within
"ad_try {
} ad_script_abort val {
# do nothing
invoked from within
"rp_serve_concrete_file [ad_conn file]"
(procedure "rp_serve_abstract_file" line 60)
invoked from within
"rp_serve_abstract_file "$root/$path""
("uplevel" body line 2)
invoked from within
"uplevel $code"
invoked from within
"ad_try {
rp_serve_abstract_file "$root/$path"
set tcl_url2file([ad_conn url]) [ad_conn file]
set tcl_url2path_info([ad_conn url]) [ad_conn path_inf..."
and the following error when trying to add a new department:
Selection did not return a value, and no default was provided
while executing
"db_string select_node_id {}"
(procedure "get_type_node_id" line 2)
invoked from within
"get_type_node_id $parent_type"
(procedure "dotlrn_community::new_type" line 4)
invoked from within
"dotlrn_community::new_type -
community_type_key "$department_key" -
parent_type "dotlrn_class_instance" -pretty_name $pretty_name -
description $desc..."
("uplevel" body line 2)
invoked from within
"uplevel 1 $transaction_code "
(procedure "db_transaction" line 39)
invoked from within
"db_transaction {
dotlrn_community::new_type -
community_type_key "$department_key" -
parent_type "dotlrn_class_instance" -pretty_name $pr..."
(procedure "dotlrn_department::new" line 13)
invoked from within
"dotlrn_department::new -pretty_name $pretty_name -description
$description -external_url $external_url"
invoked from within
"if {[form is_valid add_department]} {
form get_values add_department pretty_name description
external_url referer
set department_key [dotlrn..."
("uplevel" body line 44)
invoked from within
"uplevel {
# Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 MIT
# This file is part of dotLRN.
# dotLRN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modi..."
(procedure "code::tcl::/web/eschool/packages/dotlrn/www/admin/depar
tment..." line 2)
invoked from within
invoked from within
"if { [file exists $__adp_stub.tcl] } {
# ensure that data source preparation procedure exists and is up-to-
adp_init tcl $__adp_stub
("uplevel" body line 3)
invoked from within
"uplevel {
if { [file exists $__adp_stub.tcl] } {
# ensure that data source preparation procedure exists and is up-to-
adp_init t..."
(procedure "adp_prepare" line 2)
invoked from within
"adp_prepare "
(procedure "template::adp_parse" line 30)
invoked from within
"template::adp_parse [file root [ad_conn file]] {}"
(procedure "adp_parse_ad_conn_file" line 7)
invoked from within
("uplevel" body line 2)
invoked from within
"uplevel $code"
invoked from within
"ad_try {
} ad_script_abort val {
# do nothing
invoked from within
"rp_serve_concrete_file [ad_conn file]"
(procedure "rp_serve_abstract_file" line 60)
invoked from within
"rp_serve_abstract_file "$root/$path""
("uplevel" body line 2)
invoked from within
"uplevel $code"
invoked from within
"ad_try {
rp_serve_abstract_file "$root/$path"
set tcl_url2file([ad_conn url]) [ad_conn file]
set tcl_url2path_info([ad_conn url]) [ad_conn path_inf..."