I asked Yon what those changes are. Here's what he said:
datamodel-wise, i have removed some tables and renamed several of them. clean up columns: that means standardize on names, remove extra columns, add necessary columns, etc.
pl/sql api is being standardized. some parts of the data model were acs_objects and other were not, for no particular reason. this is being standardized (to NOT acs_objects).
tcl api is being cleaned up (very thoroughly). it is being split up into separate namespaces (and files). everything was in one huge file as you can see for yourself.
we are splitting into separate files and namespaces. one file for portal:: another for portal::datasource::, portal::layout::, etc.
parameters for the tcl api's are being cleaned up thoroughly as well: all functions will use named params, calls are being made more consistent. a lot of functions were taking too many arguemnts, or too few arguments. this is all being fixed.
Hope this helps clear the situation some.