Forum .LRN Q&A: How does the dotLRN governance plan violate Open Source principles?

OpenForce has repeatedly made the claim that the proposed governance plan for dotLRN "violates Open Source principles". Yet I've seen no specific statement as to how the plan does so. The closest to a specific comment I've seen is this one, by Ben Adida:
The most concise summary is that this process in no way resembles existing successful open-source governance.
Does novelty automatically imply a violation of Open Source principles, then? Ben goes on to say
I don't consider that any one of us is qualified to invent a brand new open-source governance plan that no one has ever tested before. That is the big red flag, IMO.
We may be incompetent, as Ben implies above, though I personally dont believe it. If Ben is right, though, does incompetence always imply a violation of Open Source principles?

I'd appreciate a very specific post from Open Force that

  • States Open Source principles as they understand them
  • Provides an authoritative citation demonstrating that the entire Open Source world adheres to a single set of principles
  • Provide a critique of the current governance plan that lists the specific areas in which the plan violates these principles. Handwaving arguments of the "your plan is a novelty" variety don't count.

This question has been asked and answered twice in public:

Let's not reopen a discussion that everyone has already decided is closed (see Al and Carl's comments in the second thread above). What's most important: you don't have to agree with me. We're all entitled to our own opinions, and I speak for me and OpenForce, not for you or Furfly.